Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Student Devotional Week 34: "Shallow Worship"

John 4:24 (New International Version) "24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."

What does worship mean to you? For most it is what you do on Sunday morning at 8:30 or 11:00am. But, authentic worship the Bible says is when we are connecting with God spiritually. Think about worship as a lifestyle that lasts a lifetime. In the Hebrew is means to bow down or to serve and the Greek we find much the same thing to bow down, to revere or to serve. Out of our bowing down or revering God comes our ability to serve. We must have our connection with God right first before we are able to serve. Paul says the way we live our lives is our spiritual act of worship. Now for the big question is who do you worship and how do you do it? Most would say God or a supreme being or power, but people can find themselves worship other people, sports teams, material possessions, etc. Make sure you are honest with yourself when it comes to worship and you are seeking after spiritual things and not temporary worldly idols that will fade away. Our God is a jealous God when it comes to worship, we are to worship Him and Him alone, it is the first commandment he gave Israel. So don't play around with your worship or turn it on when it is popular to do it and dismiss it when it is convenient, we are to worship God even in the tough times of life (David worshiped God after his first born son with Bathsheba died). How is your worship?