Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hungry? Student Devotional Week 18

Can Jesus really meet all my needs? Ever wondered why some people have a lot and some have very little? The Bible teaches us that God will provide all of our needs. Did you pick-up on the word "need." Needs are not I-pods and x-box 360 or whether or not you have a date for Friday night. But, there are Christians that do not have enough food to eat or clothes to wear or shelter to protect them from the harsh elements of the world; what about them? In "Jesus for President", Shane Clayborne says that God didn't make a mistake and create too many people, but rather we have plenty if we are willing to share. In the Gospel of Luke 9:10-17, you read about Jesus feeding the 5,000. After sending out His disciples on their first preaching and healing mission, Jesus took the Twelve to a remote place so they could be alone. A crowd followed them, however, and Jesus spent time teaching and healing them. Late in the day, when the people were hungry, Jesus miraculously used five loaves of bread and two fish to feed the crowd of over 5,000, and 12 baskets of food were collected after the meal. So, there is enough for everyone if we use the resources as God intended them to be used, shared equally. How about you, do you have what you need? Can you do a better job of sharing the resources God has provided?

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