Monday, April 6, 2009

Student Devotion Week 28: Is That Your Final Answer? Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler

Matthew 6:33 (New International Version)
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

In the movie "Slum Dog Millionaire" we have a picture of a young man not seeking after fame, but enters the show only to find his "true love", a girl he had lost contact we years ago that was now taken hostage by a drug lord. The story has a lot of themes that could be drawn out, but I want to focus on this pursuit of love or favor found in the story of Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler and this movie. The Rich Young Ruler had done everything he thought possible to attain God's Love and Favor in order to attain eternal life, but the only thing holding him back in the end was his wealth. In the movie the main character had done everything in his power to try to win this ladies love and just to be with her, but whenever he got close she would be snatched away. In the end through a series of events out of his hands, they are re-united. The movie has a happy ending and unfortunately the Rich Young Ruler does not. What is holding you back from truly having an intimate relationship with God? What is it going to take to give those things, people, possessions away so you might be able to connect or re-connect to God?

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