Monday, September 21, 2009

Student Devotional Week 4: Cain & Abel: Unacceptable Sacrifice

Key Verse: Genesis 4:7 (New International Version)

"If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

Do you have siblings? If so, you know that siblings fight over the dumbest stuff. I once got into an argument with my sister over the televison set, which broke out into an all out brawl that left our living room lamps broken on the floor. Now these were no ordinary lamps, these were first generation touch lamps that my parents bought to match the living room furniture. The good news was they still worked, the bad news was the touch mechanism did not. So you can imagine the punishment we received for not only fighting but for presenting broken lamps to my parents when they got home. I would imagine God's rejection of Cain's offering would have been like if my sister got praised for confessing the wrong doing and I got grounded. Cain was furious and like all siblings he blamed his brother Abel and took his anger out on him and killed him. Now, I don't think most of us would ever do such a thing, but I would assume we all have blamed others for our own shortcomings and laziness. It was Cain's fault that the offering was not accepted, because he had not given his very best. How about you, do you make excuses by blaming others for your faults? Maybe you need to ask forgiveness from someone you have unappropriately blamed.

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