Thursday, June 2, 2011

Student Devotional Week 37: Spiritual Gifts: First Letter To The Corinthians (Part 4 of 4)

Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 12:11, "All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines."

Maybe it's been a while since you put a puzzle together, but have you ever really studied a puzzle's pieces? They look like something out of a Picasso painting with their multiple legs, odd-shaped curves, and no hard edges (except for those blessed border pieces). No pieces seem identical. They all have a unique place to fill in the big picture, and the portrait won't be complete until every last one of them is in place.

God's Church is made in much the same way-as a puzzle. When you become a part of the Church, you receive a spiritual gift of some kind. One person may be given the ability to lead, another the ability to encourage, and still another the ability to make people feel welcome. No matter who you are, everyone gets a gift.

The Church functions like it's supposed to when all of us, like puzzle pieces, fit together and do our parts. Leave a piece out, and it's just not the same. Because you have this gift, you're a very important-even indispensable-part of the Church. Paul made this a top concern when he was teaching his churches so they'd understand that no one can walk alone. Churches aren't filled with spectators but with unique Christians, each with a role to play in the spiritual masterpiece of the Church.

This week we're going to look at what spiritual gifts are and how to determine which gifts you have.

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